Impresora 3D Xtreme 3SP de EnvisionTEC | Precios y características en Imprimalia 3D

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Xtreme 3SP

EnvisionTEC’s Xtreme® 3SP™ large format 3D printer allows for production of exceptionally large 3D parts, built at fast build speeds without sacrificing surface quality and part accuracy. Xtreme® 3SP™ uses EnvisionTEC’s 3SP™ (Scan, Spin, and Selectively Photocure) technology to quickly 3D print highly accurate parts from STL files regardless of geometric complexity. The Xtreme® 3SP™ is delivered and installed with all the relevant software to enable automatic generation of supports and perfect model production. The surface quality of the printed models show no signs of stairstepping on the inner and outer surfaces. The reliability of the light source and the high speed productivity of these large format 3D printers make them some of the most competitive 3D printers on the market today.


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